BHIMSEN Devkota / Nepal
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Education, Mahendra Ratna Campus,Kathmandu,Nepal
School health and nutrition, health education and behavior change communication, public health
Associate Prof., Health Education, FOE, Tribhuvan University(1991-till date) Team Leader, Review of Legal Framework on School Health and Nutrition in Nepal, commissioned by JICA/MOHP/MOE, Nepal, 2011
Team Leader, Development of Legal Framework, revision of National School Health and Nutrition Strategy and SHN Guideline in Nepal, commissioned by JICA/MOHP/MOE ,Nepal, September 15,2011
Facilitator/Writer, Proceedings of the second school health and nutrition workshop-better coordination for effective implementation’, School Health and Nutrition Network Nepal, 2009-Volunteer, report writing
Consultant, Development of Implementation Guideline on School Health and Nutrition, JICA/MOHP/MOE (2007)
Consultant, Development of National Strategy on School Health & Nutrition including IEC/BCC, JICA/JMA, MOHP, MOES Nepal (2004)
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